Learn More About Servers and Deployment

The Dell Management Plug-in virtual applicance structures and automates virtual server deployment in a VMware vCenter environment. It does this by:
  • Identifying servers you can deploy.
  • Storing standardized hardware and virtualization software (hypervisor) profiles that fit server and application usage models.
  • Automating the assignment of server/network identification.
  • Scheduling a deployment job for similar servers.
  • Providing credentials for multiple hosts that a vCenter cluster can manage.
Example: This weekend you want to deploy five servers that will support multiple database applications. You can select the appropratte Dell server model number and use a standard DB deployment template. The Hardware profile contains BIO processor settings and a RAID configuration need to support relational databases and their applications. The Hypervisor Profile uses a scriptable ISO image to install the virtualization software and places it under the control of the correct vCenter instance, and a part of the desired cluster. Using your DCHP server, most of the deployed server identification work is done for you. Once you add connection credentials and schedule the deployment job, you go home. Later in the weekend, you remotely access the plug-in Job Queue and Log to verify the new database server deployment.

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View or download Dell virtualization documentation at: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/software/eslvmwre/
View or download Dell hardware documentation for PowerEdge™ Servers